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Pokemon Go: 'All-Hands Rocket Retreat' Debolezze e guida ARLO

Arlo is a tough opponent for players to battle in Pokemon GO. We’ve got a guide on how to beat him and his team right here!

Arlo is back once again as a tough encounter for the ‘All-Hands Rocket Retreat’ that is currently ongoing. Since he is a tough opponent, we’ve prepared a guide on how to beat him below.

Players can encounter Arlo by defeating enough Grunts to piece together a Rocket Radar. This allows players to locate and challenge Arlo, Cliff or Sierra (the opponent chosen is random)

Arlo Battle Guide

Arlo’s battle is fairly simple to navigate – it has 3 “phases” with different Pokemon. The difficulty lies in that during phases 2 and 3, Arlo has a pool of Pokemon he can pull from, not a set Pokemon.

Be sure to stock up on the best Pokemon for April 2022 when facing him, in order to counter his Pokemon!

Phase 1: Exeggcute

Exeggcute will always be the first Pokemon Arlo sends out. Due to having lackluster stats players don’t need to be too worried for this phase.

As a Grass/Psychic Pokemon Exeggute is weak to quite a few different types:

  • Insetto
  • Flying
  • Veleno
  • Fantasma
  • Fuoco
  • Ghiaccio
  • Scuro

In this situation using Pokemon that utilizes more than one of these types gives players an easy advantage. There are six types that Exeggcute is resistant to:

  • Battagliero
  • Terra
  • Acqua
  • Erba
  • Electric
  • Psychic

The main DPS build for Exeggcute relies on using Psychic type moves. Using a Dark type Pokemon is the easiest way to negate this as Psychic is ineffective against Dark.

After defeating Exeggcute, players will move on to phase 2 of the battle.

Phase 2: Salamence/Alolan Exeggutor/Dragonite

This is the first of two pools of Pokemon that Arlo can choose from when battling. However, he will only send out one of the three in any battle.


Despite having an incredibly high attack stat, players can counter Salamence easily. There are four types that Salamence is weak to as a Dragon/Flying type:

  • Roccia
  • Drago
  • Fata
  • Ghiaccio

We suggest investing in a strong Ice-type Pokemon as both Dragon and Flying types are weak to Ice. This allows players to do 256% damage rather than the standard 160% if only one type is weak.

There are however, six types that you shouldn’t bring to battle Salamence:

  • Battagliero
  • Insetto
  • Fuoco
  • Acqua
  • Terra
  • Erba

Furthermore, Grass type moves are ineffective against flying types.

Alolan Exeggutor

Alolan Exeggutor is the second of the three Pokemon that Arlo may deploy in phase 2. Similar to Salamence, this Pokemon is a Dragon type. Specifically, a Grass/Dragon type.

The types most effective against Alolan Exeggutor are as follows:

  • Flying
  • Veleno
  • Insetto
  • Drago
  • Fata
  • Ghiaccio

Once again, we recommend using an Ice type against Alolan Exeggutor as both Grass and Dragon types are weak to Ice. This deals the 256% damage that we mentioned before.

There are only four types that you don’t want to use to face Alolan Exeggutor:

  • Terra
  • Acqua
  • Erba
  • Electric

Just like Salamence, Alolan Exeggutor boasts a high attack stat. Utilizing its weaknesses is the best way to take it down quickly.


The final Pokemon that Arlo can choose from for phase 2 is Dragonite. With the exact same typing as Salamence (Dragon/Flying) it’s natural it shares its weaknesses:

  • Ghiaccio
  • Roccia
  • Drago
  • Fata

As well as sharing the types of Pokemon we don’t recommend you bring to battle it:

  • Battagliero
  • Insetto
  • Fuoco
  • Acqua
  • Terra
  • Erba

Once again, despite having an incredibly high attack stat, a strong Ice type Pokemon can easily dispose of this Pokemon with the 256% attack.

Overall, the easiest way to be prepared for any phase 2 Pokemon is to invest in a strong Ice-type such as Weavile as each Pokemon has a double weakness to Ice. This will allow you to easily shred through their HP.

Read More:Pokemon GO Fest 2022 Dates Revealed

Once players have defeated Arlo’s phase 2 Pokemon they move onto the final phase.

Phase 3: Scizor/Steelix/Gardevoir

Once again, Arlo can pick any Pokemon from a pool of 3. Like before, he will only pick one of the 3 during a battle.


Scizor can be a tricky Pokemon to deal with. It has a high attack stat and numerous resistances.

There is only one type that is super-effective against Scizor:

  • Fuoco

To make up for this though, as Scizor is a Bug/Steel type, Fire is supereffective against both. This leads to the 256% attack damage that we mentioned in phase 2.

However, there are 9 types that Scizor is resistant to:

ALL-HANDS ROCKET RETREAT EVENT DETAILS | POKÉMON GO * Normal * Insetto * Acciaio * Psychic * Ghiaccio * Drago * Fata * Veleno * Erba

With Poison types being ineffective against Steel types, leading to only 39% damage.


Steelix is a Steel/Ground type. Despite having a slightly poor attack stat it makes up for this with its high defense stat.

Pertanto di smaltirlo facilmente, i giocatori dovrebbero utilizzare i tipi è debole contro:

  • Battagliero
  • Terra
  • Fuoco
  • Acqua

Tutti e quattro questi tipi si occupano dell'attacco standard del 160% in quanto sono solo super efficaci contro uno dei tipi di Steelix.

Simile a Scizor, Steelix ha una miriade di tipi è resistente a:

  • Normale
  • Volare
  • Insetto
  • Acciaio
  • Psychic.
  • Drago
  • Fata
  • Roccia
  • Elettrico
  • Veleno

A causa dei suoi giocatori ad alta difesa vorrà disporre rapidamente di Steelix.


Questa è la "wild-card" che Arlo può far uscire. Ogni altro Pokemon condivide le sue più forti debolezze con almeno un'altra nella squadra di Arlo.

Gardevoir condivide nessuna di queste doppie debolezze come un tipo psichico / fatato. I tipi più forti contro Gardevoir sono:

  • Veleno
  • Fantasma
  • Acciaio

Per pianificare in anticipo per qualsiasi situazione, i giocatori possono utilizzare Pokemon con doppie divisioni come ghiaccio / fantasma o fuoco / veleno. Pertanto, avendo almeno un vantaggio di tipo su ogni Pokemon.

Naturalmente, ci sono tipi che vorresti evitare se affronti GartEvoir:

  • Psychic.
  • Battagliero
  • Drago

Una volta che il giocatore ha sconfitto la fase 3 Pokemon, avranno completato la battaglia di Arlo!

Scopri quali altri premi puoi guadagnare durante l'evento "All-Hands Rocket Retreat!" Ecco qui.

In alternativa, scopri cosa viene aggiunto in tutto Aprile con una rottura dei contenuti, proprio qui.

E dopo, avrai bisogno di toleare tutte le debolezze del Boss Rocket, Giovanni!


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