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Tutte le soluzioni puzzle di pittura e i premi nell'anello Elden

One of the best things about exploring in Elden Ring is that you never know what you are about to stumble upon. You might wander across a hidden dungeon, get ambushed by a boss, or find a hidden NPC. There are so many things to discover that make exploration feel rewarding at every turn, but there’s one discovery you might find that will leave you completely stumped. At various locations in the Lands Between, you have probably found at least one Artist’s Shack, or perhaps one of the paintings in other obscure locations. At these specific locations are paintings of landscapes that you can collect, but you are not given any more information about why or what they’re for aside from the vague directions of trying to locate those spots.


  • Homing Instinct painting location and solution
  • Prophecy painting location and solution
  • Resurrection painting location and solution
  • Redmane painting location and solution
  • Flightless Bird painting location and solution
  • Champion’s Song painting location and solution
  • Sorcerer painting location and solution Show 2 more items

These paintings are some of the most obscure puzzles in Elden Ring. Each of the seven paintings you can find depict a very specific spot somewhere out in the open world. If you manage to figure out where that place is and go there, you will get some very valuable rewards. By now, though, we all know just how incredibly vast the world of Elden Ring really is which can make pinpointing a single location feel impossible. If you’re feeling stumped by any or all of these painting puzzles, here’s where you need to go to solve them all in Elden Ring.

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Homing Instinct painting location and solution

We’ll go in order of the paintings you should naturally come across as you progress through Elden Ring based on zone progression since, odds are, you missed most of them. The first one is located not too far off the main path in Limgrave in the first Artist’s Shack. To find it, go along the east side of the canyon north of Agheel lake. You’ll need to go a bit off the road to find the lonely shack with the painting inside. Interact with it to start the puzzle.

The location Homing Instinct is pointing to is way down to the southwest. Start by traveling to the Seaside Ruins Site of Grace and go a bit north towards the Cave of Knowledge. On the way, you will pass a graveyard you need to stop at. Find the big arch the painting showed and you’ll see the ghostly artist standing by the graves. Interact with it and you will get the Incantation Scarab Headpiece.

Prophecy painting location and solution

Your next painting is inside of Stormveil Castle, but only reachable after you beat the boss Margit, the Fell Omen. Before you get to Godrick the Grafted, you will hit the Lifteside Chamber Site of Grace. Go south into the big open courtyard with tons of enemies. On the right-hand side is a doorway leading into a chapel or library area with the painting standing out among the other furnishings. Collect it to begin the Prophecy puzzle.

The location you need to find is quite far off from here, all the way down south on the Weeping Peninsula. Fast travel over to the Church of Pilgrimage and go straight north to the cliffside. Near the very tip, you will spot the apparition chilling out in a chair overlooking the view. Interact with them and pick up your reward, which this time is the Warhawk Ashes.

Resurrection painting location and solution

Once you’ve gotten through, or around, Stormveil Castle and into Liurnia of the Lakes, we need to find the next Artist’s Shack. This one is along the eastern landmass, which you can travel to via the Liurnia Highway North Site of Grace. Ride along, going just a bit past the Carian Study Hall, and you will find the shack not too far from a Leyndell Knight. Head inside to get the Resurrection painting.

The spot you need to track down is also in Liurnia, specifically in Caria Manor. This location is way up on the northeast side of the zone in the Three Sisters area. The closest Site of Grace is the Behind Caria Manor location and also requires you to have gone through the manor and beaten the boss, Royal Knight Loretta, so make sure you have done or are prepared to do that. After the battle, go through the path to the east into a graveyard and find the ghost facing the direction of the Academy or Raya Lucaria. This one will give you the Juvenile Scholar Attire and a Larval Tear.

Redmane painting location and solution

Questo pittore è fuori su un ponte a sud di Castle Sol. Dirigiti verso il sito di grazia gelida e vai a nord, lungo la scogliera fino al livello superiore e vai a ovest fino a vedere il massiccio ponte di pietra attraversare la gola sul fiume congelato vicino alla baracca della posizione alta sulla mappa. Attraversa il primo ponte che hai colpito, però, e prendi il secondo proprio sul bordo della scogliera. Passa a metà strada e fai una pausa con il pittore che si gode la vista fredda del paese delle meraviglie invernale. Interagisci con il tuo fantasma finale e ottieni il casco gratino.


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